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Webb Editor: Erik Levlin / Water Engineering and Resource management Research Group / Research at KTH

Swedish-Polish Research Co-operation

The Visby Programme sponsored by The Swedish Institute

Research projects:

Since 2005

Swedish - Ukrainian - Polish Research Co-operation

2001 - 2005


(Project coordinators: Bengt Hultman, Professor and Elzbieta Plaza, Assoc. Professor)

1998 - 2001


(Project coordinators: Bengt Hultman, Assoc. Professor, and Elzbieta Plaza, Assoc. Professor)

1995 - 1998


(Project coordinators: Bengt Hultman, Assoc. Professor and Elzbieta Plaza, Assoc. Professor)

  • Participants
  • Publications
  • Joint seminars
  • Joint Swedish-Polish Reports Series

    Thirteen joint research reports have been published within the Swedish-Polish Co-operation project.

    Integration and optimization of urban sanitation systems
    (2001-  2005)
    Project description

    Increased integration, regional approach and material and energy recovery are new trends in development of wastewater and solid waste handling systems in urban areas.  Costs and benefits associated with implementation of new methods, technologies and systems have not yet been fully evaluated. The objectives of this project include performing such cost-benefít analysis, definition of new approaches to sanitation system integration, evaluation of the existing techniques for material and energy recovery, and developing the theoretical basis for new technologies, and methods and tools for optimization of sanitation systems. Much attention will be put to technical and management issues related to phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge and solid waste and its reuse. 
    In order to achieve the project’s objectives some subprojects related to research activities carried out at technical universities in Krakow, Gdansk, Lodz (Poland) and Stockholm have been specified. It is planned that the researchers from the participating polish and swedish universities will cooperatively research the problems grouped into the following three research areas:
    1. Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge and solid wastes: 

    • use of organic acids from solid waste for improvement of biological phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment plants
    • complementary phosphorus recovery from iron-rich sludge with the use of hydrogen sulphide generated in biological reactions
    • energy demand and energy recovery in sludge and solid waste handling systems with phosphorus recovery
    • modelling of wastewater treatment systems with biological phosphorus removal. 
    2. Toxic substances and product recovery: 
    • model system of solid waste handling for minimization of risk associated with toxic wastes
    • risk minimization in sewage sludge disposal and utilization.
    3. Effects of regional approach to integrated sewage sludge and solid waste handling: 
    • modelling of integrated solid waste and sewage sludge disposal systems. 

    Royal Institute 
    of Technology
    Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering
    Bengt Hultman, Professor  (coordinator) 
    Elzbieta Plaza, Assoc. Professor  (coordinator) 
    Dr Erik Levlin 
    Dr Jozef Trela 
    Monica Löwén, Eng. 
    Kristina Stark, Techn. Lic. 
    Cracow University 
    of Technology
    Institute of Water Supply 
    and Environmental Protection
    Hanna Gladki, Professor (local coord.) 
    Dr Krystyna Zeglin 
    Dr Malgorzata Cimochowicz-Rybicka 
    Dr Jerzy Mikosz 
    Dr Stanislaw Rybicki 
    Cracow University 
    of Technology
    Institute of Heat Engineering 
    and Air Protection
    Marian Hopkowicz, Professor (local coord.) 
    Dr Tomasz Stypka 
    Technical University of Bielsko-Biala
    Institute of Engineering and Environmental Protection
    Jan Suschka, Professor
    Poplawski, M. Sc.
    Technical University of Gdansk
    Center for Environmental Studies
    Krystyna Medrzycka, Professor
    Alina Landowska, M.Sc.
    Malgorzata Macniak, M.Sc.
    Silesian University of Technology
    Environmental Biotechnology Department
    Korneliusz Miksch, Professor (local coord.)
    Dr Joanna Surmacz- Górska

    Peer-Reviewed Publications 

    Levlin E., Löwén M., Stark K. and Hultman B. Effects of phosphorus recovery requirements on Swedish sludge management. Water Science & Technology. Vol 46, No. 4-5, pp. 435–440, 2002.

    Stypka, T., Plaza, E., Stypka, A., Trela, J. and Hultman, B. Regional planning and product recovery as tools for sustainable sludge management. Water Science & Technology. Volume 46, Number 4-5, pp. 389-396, 2002.

    International conference presentations 

    Plaza, E., Trela, J. and Hultman, B. Treatment of ammonium rich waste streams with low content of organic matter. Proceedings of the 3:d World Water Congress of IWA, Melbourne, Australia 7-12 april 2002.

    Stark, K. Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge by thermal treatment and use of acids and bases. IWA-publishing; Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment VII, H H. Hahn, E. Hoffmann and H Ödegaard (Eds.) Proceedings of the 10th Gothenburg Symposium 2002, 17-19 June 2002. pp. 331-338, 2002.

    Stark, K., Hultman, B., Levlin, E., Löwén, M. and Mossakowska, A. Calculation of chemical needs in combined phosphorus removal and recovery at Henriksdal WWTP, Sweden. 3:d World Water Congress of IWA, Melbourne, Australia 7-12 april 2002.

    Stark, K., Hultman, B. and Levlin, E. New system technology for combined phosphorus removal and recovery. 3:d World Water Congress of IWA Melbourne, Australia 7-12 april 2002.

    Stark K. and Hultman B. (2003) Phosphorus recovery by one- or two-step technology with use of acids and bases. Proceedings of IWA specialist conference Biosolids 2003 Wastewater sludge as a resource,Trondheim, Norway, 23-25 juni 2003, pp. 281-288, 2003.

    Reports and national publications 

    Stark, K. Phosphorus release from sewage sludge by use of acids and bases. Licentiate thesis TRITA-LWR LIC: 2005, Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 2002.

    Proceedings of a Polish-Swedish seminar, Gdansk, 23-25 March 2003. Integration and optimisation of urban sanitation systems. E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman, (Editors), Report No 10 TRITA-LWR.REPORT 3004, ISSN 1650-8610, ISRN KTH/LWR/REPORT 3004-SE, ISBN 91-7283-471-4. 2003.

    Proceedings of a Polish-Swedish seminar, Wisla October 25-28, 2003. Integration and optimisation of urban sanitation systems. E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman, (Editors), Report No 11TRITA-LWR.REPORT 3007, ISSN 1650-8610, ISRN KTH/LWR/REPORT 3007-SE, ISBN 91-7283-664-4. 2004

    Proceedings of Polish-Swedish seminars, Stockholm June 6-8, 2004. Integration and optimisation of urban sanitation systems. E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman, (Editors). Report 12

    Proceedings of Polish-Swedish seminars, Cracow March 17-18, 2005. Integration and optimisation of urban sanitation systems. E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman, (Editors). Report 13


    Polish-Swedish Seminar on Integration and optimization of sanitation systems in urban areas Gdansk, 23-25 March 2003 (Report 10).

    Polish-Swedish Seminar on Integration and optimization of sanitation systems in urban areas Wisla, 25-28 October 2003 (Report 11).

    Polish-Swedish Seminar on Integration and optimization of sanitation systems in urban areas Stockholm, 6-8 June 2004 (Report 12).

    Polish-Swedish Seminar on Integration and optimization of sanitation systems in urban areas Krakow, 16-18 March 2005 (Report 13).

    Product and energy recovery from wastewater
    sludge and organic wastes (1998-2001)
    Project description

    The general objective of the project is to present and thoroughly evaluate specific technical  processes that can be applied for energy and product recovery from sludge and solid waste. Wastewater and organic waste are a vary complex mixture, which apart from toxic substances, heavy metals, organics and pathogens  contains also some valuable components as nutrients and energy intensive products. Therefore, wastewater sludge and organic waste should be utilized according to a sustainable approach focusing on two important goals:

  • recycle valuable compounds back to the environment
  • utilization or separation of hazardous trace substances
    The project  characterizes different technical methods that can be considered as feasible to accomplish these goals. However, the final selection of the method of sludge or waste handling and disposal is not based only on technical and economic solutions but it has to take into account also other non technical criteria which comprise: product demand (chemicals, energy), environmental impact, hygiene, safety and risk assessment, social acceptance, impact on local social economy (employment) and other areas of development. To fully asses the particular process and its impact on the environment such methods are used as environmental impact assessment (EIA), life cycle analysis (LCA), experts systems and data basis, as well as simulation packages for mass and energy balance. Those methods and criteria, combined together, serve as indicators of the sustainable development approach in the sludge and waste management area.

     The project is divided into several subprojects:

  • Influence of sludge characteristics on sludge treatment process efficiency
  • Application of biomass methanogenic activity to predict the biogas production during the fermentation process
  • Product recovery by use of sludge fractionation
  • Improvement of sewage sludge processing and utilization through application of quantitative methods
  • Identification and evaluation of the presently used sludge disposal technology in Southern Poland
  • Evaluation of present sludge disposal in the Stockholm region
  • Optimization of regional sludge treatment and solid waste disposal using the criteria of sustainable development
  • Heat management at wastewater treatment plants
  • Modelling of the optimum energy balance of wastewater treatment plant including wastewater treatment processes and sludge handling operations
  • VFA balance in wastewater treatment plants: conditions for optimal VFA generation from primary sludge and its utilization.
    The project outcome will supply local governments and commumities with valuable tools in a decision making process when they have to consider indicators of sustainability during the sludge handling and landfill operation processes. Though rooted in the specific regions of Stockholm and Cracow it reflects the global issues and can be easily apply in the whole region of the Baltic Sea.The project facilitates a bilateral exchange of students and reserchers to promote a tranfer of ideas, experiences, joint performance of experiments and team cooperation.
    Royal Institute 
    of Technology
    Division of Water Resources Engineering
    Bengt Hultman, Assoc. Professor  (coordinator) 
    Elzbieta Plaza, Assoc. Professor  (coordinator) 
    Dr Erik Levlin 
    Dr Jozef Trela 
    Monica Löwén, Eng. 
    Kristina Stark, Civ. Eng. 
    Cracow University 
    of Technology
    Institute of Water Supply 
    and Environmental Protection
    Jerzy Kurbiel, Professor (local coord.) 
    Dr Krystyna Zeglin 
    Dr Malgorzata Cimochowicz-Rybicka 
    Dr Jerzy Mikosz 
    Dr Stanislaw Rybicki 
    Anna Stypka, M.Sc.
    Cracow University 
    of Technology
    Institute of Heat Engineering 
    and Air Protection
    Marian Hopkowicz, Professor (local coord.) 
    Dr Zbigniew Grabowski 
    Dr Tomasz Stypka 
    Jacek Sacharczuk, M.Sc.

    Peer-Reviewed Publications 

    Banas J., Plaza E., Styka, W. and Trela J. SBR technology used for advanced combined municipal and tannery wastewater treatment at high receiving water standards. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol 40, No. 4-5, pp 451-458, 1999. 

    Mikosz J., Plaza E. and Kurbiel J. Use of computer simulations for cycle length adjustment in sequencing batch reactor. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol 43, No. 3, pp. 61-68, 2001.

    Plaza E., Trela J. and Hultman B. Impact of seeding with nitrifying bacteria on nitrification process efficiency. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol 43, No. 1, pp. 155-163, 2000 

    International conference presentations 

    Mikosz J., Plaza E. and Kurbiel J. Use of computer simulations for cycle length adjustment in sequencing batch reactor. 2nd International Symposium on Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology, 10-12 July Narbonne 2000

    Plaza E. Trela J., Hultman B., Levlin E. and Kabacinski M. Sludge handling in relation to operation of SBR plant in Nowy Targ. 2nd International Symposium on Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology, 10-12 July Narbonne 2000. (poster) 

    Reports and national publications

    Stypka T. Estimating the gas production using Palos Verdes model (Zastosowanie modelu Pales Verdes do szacowania ilosci gazu ze skladowiska). Energy from Waste Conference. Gdansk, April, 1999. 

    Stypka A., Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process, A Literature Review, Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Report No 4. E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman, (Editors) TRITA-AMI REPORT 3058, ISSN 1400-1306, ISRN KTH/AMI/REPORT 3058-SE, ISBN: 91-7170-363-2, 1998. 

    Proceedings of a Polish-Swedish seminar, KTH, August 24, 1999. Sustainable Municipal Sludge And Solid Waste Handling, Report No 5. E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman, (Editors), TRITA-AMI REPORT 3063, ISSN 1400-1306, ISRN KTH/AMI/REPORT 3063-SE, ISBN: 91-7170-439-6, 1999. 

    Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Stockholm 1999. Sludge Handling at Nowy Targ WWTP, Poland. Evaluation and Recommendations for Improvements. Report No 6. E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman (Editors), TRITA-AMI REPORT 3064, ISSN 1400-1306, ISRN KTH/AMI/REPORT 3064-SE, ISBN: 91-7170-444-2, 1999. 

    Proceedings of a Polish-Swedish Seminar, Krakow, May 29, 2000.Sustainable Municipal Sludge And Solid Waste Handling, Report No 7. E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman, (Editors), TRITA-AMI REPORT 3073, ISSN 1400-1306, ISRN KTH/AMI/REPORT 3073-SE, ISBN: ISBN 91-7170-584-8, 2000. 

    Ph.D. dissertations 

    Jerzy Mikosz
    Application of dynamic computer simulation for selecting the strategy of biological nutrient removal from municipal wastewater (in Polish) 
    Cracow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland (1999) 

    Malgorzata Cimochowicz-Rybicka
    Application of methanogenic biomass activity for assessment of impact of selected pesticides and trivalent chromium on a methane fermentation process (in Polish) Cracow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland (1999) 

    Jozef Trela
    Intensification of biological nitrogen removal in a two phase activated sludge process with pre-denitrification (in Polish and in English) Cracow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland (2000) 

    M.Sc. theses

    Kamues T.M. Evaluation of sludge handling with emphasis on stabilisation by aerobic digestion - Wastewater treatment plant in Nowy Targ, Poland; Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), AVAT-EX-1999-01, 1999. 

    Eklundh A.K. Biological methods for sludge treatment and evaluation of landfill sludge disposal - Nowy Targ wastewater treatment plant, Poland; Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), AVAT-EX-1999-02, 1999. 

    Szlaga B. Evaluation of  biological processes at the wastewater treatment plant in Nowy Targ. Cracow University of Technology, 1999, (in Polish). 

    Nugraha I. Phosphoric acid production from sewage sludge, a preliminary study;Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), AVAT-EX-1999-07, 1999. 

    Brzozowska E. Analysis of upgrading potential for sludge processing at Nowy Sacz; Cracow University of Technology, 1999, (in Polish). 

    Piszczor K. Technical assessment of Nowy Targ WWTP operation. Test on stabilisation of WAS from SBR type reactors; Cracow University of Technology, 1999, (in Polish) 

    Tybon A. Utilisation of biogas at WWTP; Cracow University of Technology, 2000, (in Polish) 

    Musial A. Characterization of supernatants produced during sewage sludge treatment;  Cracow University of Technology, 2000, (in Polish) 

  • Polish -Swedish seminar on Sustainable Municipal Sludge and Solid WasteHandling, Stockholm, August 24, 1999 (Report 5)
  • Polish -Swedish seminar on Sustainable Municipal Sludge and Solid Waste Handling,  Cracow, May 29, 2000 (Report 7)
  • Polish -Swedish seminar on Wastewater Sludge and Solid Waste Management, Nowy Targ - Zakopane, Poland, October 24-26, 2001 (Report 9)

  • Advanced wastewater treatment (1995-98)
    Project description

    The general objective is a development of research bilateral co-operation between KTH and the Cracow University of technology, Poland, including exchange of students and researchers and joint performance of experiments. The research activities are focused on four areas of interest: 
    1. Optimization of biological nutrient removal process for municipal wastewater with application of computer dynamic simulation. 
    2. Interactions between biological and chemical phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater in three stage treatment systems. 
    3. Sludge Volume Index (SVI) as the parameter used to monitor the integrated process for nutrient removal in multiphase activated sludge. 
    4. Activated sludge stabilization in SBR reactors. 
    A consortium between the Cracow University of Technology, the City of Nowy Targ, Municipal Water and Sewage Works in Nowy Targ and KTH has been established. The universities use the full scale wastewater treatment plant in Nowy Targ, where the largest Sequencing Batch reactor (SBR)  in Europe is in operation, as a base for field studies. 

    Royal Institute 
    of Technology
    Division of Water Resources Engineering
    Bengt Hultman, Assoc.Professor 
    Elzbieta Plaza, Assoc.Professor 
    Dr Erik Levlin 
    Dr Jozef Trela 
    Monica Löwén, Eng. 
    Cracow University 
    of Technology
    Institute of Water Supply 
    and Environmental Protection
    Jerzy Kurbiel, Professor 
    Dr Jerzy Banas 
    Dr Tomasz Baczynski 
    Dr Jerzy Mikosz 
    Dr Stanislaw Rybicki 
    Dr Wieslawa Styka 
    Anna Stypka, M.Sc. 

    Peer-Reviewed Publications 

    Banas J., Plaza E., Styka, W. and Trela J. SBR technology used for advanced combined municipal and tannery wastewater treatment at high receiving water standards. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol 40, No. 4-5, pp 451-458, 1999. 

    Kabacinski, M., Hultman, B., Plaza, E. and Trela, J. Strategies for improvement of sludge quality and process performance of SBR plant treating municipal and tannery wastewater. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol 38, No. 4-5, pp. 69-77, 1998. 

    International conference presentations 

    Banas, J., Plaza, E., Styka, W. and Trela, J. SBR technology used for advanced combined municipal and tannery wastewater treatment at high receiving water standards. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and Reuse, Milan, Italy, pp.649-656, 1998. 

    Kabacinski, M., Hultman, B., Plaza, E. and Trela, J. Strategies for improvement of sludge quality and process performance of SBR plant treating municipal and tannery wastewater. Proceedings of the IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 21-26, Book 5, pp 65-72, 1998. 

    Trela, J., Plaza, E., Mikosz, J. and Hultman, B. Addition of organic material for denitrification improvement. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on "Advanced wastewater treatment, Recycling and reuse", Milan, Italy, pp 295-302, 1998.

    Reports and national publications 

    Stanislaw Rybicki Phosphorus removal from wastewater: A Literature Review, Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Report No. 1, E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman (Editors) TRITA-AMI REPORT 3042, ISSN 1400-1306, ISRN KTH/AMI/REPORT 3042-SE, ISBN 91-7170-247-4 

    Proceedings of a Polish-Swedish seminar, KTH, Stockholm, May 30, 1997. Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Report No. 2, E. Plaza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman (Editors) TRITA-AMI REPORT 3045, ISSN 1400-1306, ISRN KTH/AMI/REPORT 3045-SE, ISBN 91-7170-283-0 

    Proceedings of a Polish-Swedish seminar, Nowy Targ, October 1-2, 1998. Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Report No 3. Bengt Hultman and Jerzy Kurbiel, (Editors), TRITA-AMI REPORT 3048, ISSN 1400-1306, ISRN KTH/AMI/REPORT 3048-SE, ISBN: 91-7170-324-1, 1998. 

    Kurbiel J., Styka W., Banas J. and Mucha Z.  Wastewater treatment plant in Nowy Targ -recomendations for the modernisation of sludge treatment and disposal (Oczyszczalnia sciekow w Nowym Targu - koncepcja modernizacji urzadzen do przerobki i usuwania osadu), Report, Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Water Supply and Environmental Protection, Poland, 1996, (in Polish). 

    M.Sc. theses

    Sharif A. Efficiency and process performance of sequencing batch reactor with respect to wastewater characteristics - Wastewater treatment plant in Nowy Targ, Poland, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), AVAT-EX-1998-07, 1998. 

    Finnell J.Impact of chromium on wastewater treatment efficiency in Nowy Targ, Poland - Proposal for technology development. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, AVAT-EX-1998-08, 1998. 

    Babicz A. Technological and technical evaluation of the WWTP in Nowy Targ (Ocena technologiczno- techniczna eksploatacji oczyszczalni sciekow w  Nowym Targu). Cracow University of Technology, Poland, 1997, (in Polish). 

    Grzyb B. Directions for the operation of small wastewater treatment plants with SBR technology (Wytyczne eksploatacyjne malej oczyszczalni sciekow z reaktorami SBR). Cracow University of Technology, Poland, 1997, (in Polish). 

    Chmielarz K. Performance and effects of sludge stabilization in sequencing batch reactors in Nowy Targ (Przebieg i efekty stabilizacji osadu w biologicznych reaktorach  porcjowych w Nowym Targu). Cracow University of Technology, Poland, 1997, (in Polish). 

    Johansson A. and Salberg H. Full scale study of sequencing batch reactor in Nowy Targ, Poland. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1996. 

    Pucek P. Program for start-up period of wastewater treatment plant on the Nowy Targ WWTP example (Program rozruchu oczyszczalni sciekow na przykladzie Nowego  Targu). Cracow University of Technology, Poland, 1996, (in Polish). 

  • Polish-Swedish Workshop on Inauguration of KTH/CUT Cooperation, (CUT), Cracow, Poland, 4-5 September 1995.
  • Polish-Swedish seminar on SBR Technology in Wastewater Treatment, (KTH), Stockholm, 24 April, 1996.
  • Polish -Swedish seminar on Advanced Wastewater Treatment, (KTH), Stockholm, May 30, 1997 (Report 2)
  • Polish-Swedish seminar on Advanced Wastewater Treatment, (KTH and StockholmVatten), Stockholm, 28 maj - 29 maj 1998.
  • Polish -Swedish seminar on Advanced Wastewater Treatment, (CUT/City of Nowy Targ), Nowy Targ, October 1-2, 1998 (Report 3)

